
PyHeatDemand is supported for Python version 3.10 and younger. Previous versions are officially not supported. It is recommended to create a new virtual environment using the Anaconda Distribution before using PyHeatDemand. The main dependencies of PyHeatDemand are GeoPandas and Rasterio for the vector data and raster data processing, Matplotlib for plotting, GeoPy for extracting coordinates from addresses, OSMnx for getting OpenStreet Maps building footprints from coordinates, Rasterstats for analyzing the resulting heat demand maps and more secondary dependencies like Pandas, NumPy, Shapely, etc.

Installation via PyPi#

PyHeatDemand can be installed via PyPi using:

pip install pyheatdemand

Installation via Anaconda#

PyHeatDemand is also available from conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge pyheatdemand

Installation using YML-file#

It is recommended to use the provided environment.yml to ensure that all dependencies are installed correctly:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Forking or cloning the repository#

The PyHeatDemand repository can be forked or cloned from

git clone

A list of requirements.txt and an environment.yml can be found in the repository.

Continuous Integration#

A CI is present to test the current code. It can be initiated using pytest –cov within the test folder. After running the tests, coverage report -m can be executed to get an report on the coverage and which lines are not covered by the tests.