© Alexander Jüstel, Fraunhofer IEG, Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems, RWTH Aachen University, GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

09 Processing Data Type 3 - Polygons representative for Administrative Units#

This notebook illustrates how to process data of Data Type 3 - Polygons representative for Administrative Units. The input data is provided as polygon data corresponding to the heat demand of an entire adminstrative unit. The heat demand will now be distributed according to existing heat demand distributions or according to population density.

Importing Libraries#

import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import box
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pyheatdemand import processing
C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\pygeomechanical\lib\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:30: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
  warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:"

Loading Heat Demand Data#

The sample data is loaded using GeoPandas.

data = gpd.read_file('../../../test/data/Data_Type_III_Polygons_Administrative_Areas.shp')[['WOHNGEB_WB', 'geometry']]
data['area'] = data.area
boundaries = data.copy(deep=True)
WOHNGEB_WB geometry area
0 1.006316e+08 POLYGON ((3839610.315 2725298.407, 3839616.590... 3.552026e+07
1 1.664953e+08 POLYGON ((3847115.212 2725703.254, 3847183.552... 3.112942e+07
2 2.221946e+08 POLYGON ((3858184.654 2712426.121, 3858203.989... 9.134414e+07
3 1.173582e+08 POLYGON ((3852578.988 2702033.636, 3852593.049... 6.258320e+07
4 1.779603e+08 POLYGON ((3869614.528 2720818.892, 3869614.010... 9.741098e+07
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

data.plot(column='WOHNGEB_WB',ax=ax, legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')
data.geometry = data.centroid
WOHNGEB_WB geometry area
0 1.006316e+08 POINT (3835461.716 2722876.519) 3.552026e+07
1 1.664953e+08 POINT (3848035.239 2722072.566) 3.112942e+07
2 2.221946e+08 POINT (3857888.677 2707583.718) 9.134414e+07
3 1.173582e+08 POINT (3849018.630 2698262.546) 6.258320e+07
4 1.779603e+08 POINT (3865677.016 2715814.262) 9.741098e+07
... ... ... ...
391 3.622419e+08 POINT (3837280.114 2741444.733) 5.243011e+07
392 2.055584e+08 POINT (3832100.855 2768877.955) 5.632939e+07
393 4.548273e+08 POINT (3847849.933 2752759.514) 8.259447e+07
394 2.450394e+08 POINT (3841458.870 2767987.089) 7.100126e+07
395 3.232237e+08 POINT (3927220.564 2804158.069) 9.406939e+07

396 rows × 3 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

data.plot(column='WOHNGEB_WB', ax=ax, legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Loading Administrative Boundaries#

We are loading the administrative boundaries corresponding to each point.

WOHNGEB_WB geometry area
0 1.006316e+08 POLYGON ((3839610.315 2725298.407, 3839616.590... 3.552026e+07
1 1.664953e+08 POLYGON ((3847115.212 2725703.254, 3847183.552... 3.112942e+07
2 2.221946e+08 POLYGON ((3858184.654 2712426.121, 3858203.989... 9.134414e+07
3 1.173582e+08 POLYGON ((3852578.988 2702033.636, 3852593.049... 6.258320e+07
4 1.779603e+08 POLYGON ((3869614.528 2720818.892, 3869614.010... 9.741098e+07
... ... ... ...
391 3.622419e+08 POLYGON ((3841136.193 2744853.133, 3841138.716... 5.243011e+07
392 2.055584e+08 POLYGON ((3834367.144 2771789.747, 3834367.111... 5.632939e+07
393 4.548273e+08 POLYGON ((3855349.769 2754428.188, 3855351.526... 8.259447e+07
394 2.450394e+08 POLYGON ((3844334.555 2772238.701, 3844330.021... 7.100126e+07
395 3.232237e+08 POLYGON ((3931848.170 2806687.306, 3931850.218... 9.406939e+07

396 rows × 3 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

data.plot(ax=ax, column='WOHNGEB_WB', legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Loading Population Density#

popdens = rasterio.open('../../../test/data/Bevoelkerungszahl.tif')
<open DatasetReader name='../../../test/data/Bevoelkerungszahl.tif' mode='r'>
CRS.from_wkt('PROJCS["ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe",GEOGCS["ETRS89",DATUM["IRENET95",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",52],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",10],PARAMETER["false_easting",4321000],PARAMETER["false_northing",3210000],UNIT["metre",1],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]')
<Axes: >
popdens_vector = processing.vectorize_raster(path='../../../test/data/Bevoelkerungszahl.tif')
geometry class
0 POLYGON ((4218000.000 3551000.000, 4218000.000... 4.0
1 POLYGON ((4219000.000 3548000.000, 4219000.000... 177.0
2 POLYGON ((4220000.000 3548000.000, 4220000.000... 665.0
3 POLYGON ((4221000.000 3548000.000, 4221000.000... 13.0
4 POLYGON ((4219000.000 3547000.000, 4219000.000... 134.0
... ... ...
226334 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2692000.000, 4341000.000... 22.0
226335 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2691000.000, 4341000.000... 3.0
226336 POLYGON ((4337000.000 2690000.000, 4337000.000... 8.0
226337 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2690000.000, 4341000.000... 7.0
226338 POLYGON ((4353000.000 2724000.000, 4353000.000... -1.0

226339 rows × 2 columns

popdens_vector = popdens_vector.replace(-1,np.NaN).dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
popdens_vector['area'] = popdens_vector.area
geometry class area
0 POLYGON ((4218000.000 3551000.000, 4218000.000... 4.0 1000000.0
1 POLYGON ((4219000.000 3548000.000, 4219000.000... 177.0 1000000.0
2 POLYGON ((4220000.000 3548000.000, 4220000.000... 665.0 1000000.0
3 POLYGON ((4221000.000 3548000.000, 4221000.000... 13.0 1000000.0
4 POLYGON ((4219000.000 3547000.000, 4219000.000... 134.0 1000000.0
... ... ... ...
211688 POLYGON ((4340000.000 2692000.000, 4340000.000... 3.0 1000000.0
211689 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2692000.000, 4341000.000... 22.0 1000000.0
211690 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2691000.000, 4341000.000... 3.0 1000000.0
211691 POLYGON ((4337000.000 2690000.000, 4337000.000... 8.0 1000000.0
211692 POLYGON ((4341000.000 2690000.000, 4341000.000... 7.0 1000000.0

211693 rows × 3 columns

popdens_vector = popdens_vector.to_crs('EPSG:3034')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

# data.plot(ax=ax, column='WOHNGEB_WB')
popdens_vector.plot(ax=ax,column='class', legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Population Density [1/km²]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(101.03078117812613, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Spatially join Heat Demand and Population Density#

popdens_hd = gpd.sjoin(left_df=boundaries,
                             how='left').drop('index_right', axis=1)
WOHNGEB_WB_left geometry area_left WOHNGEB_WB_right area_right
0 1.006316e+08 POLYGON ((3839610.315 2725298.407, 3839616.590... 3.552026e+07 1.006316e+08 3.552026e+07
1 1.664953e+08 POLYGON ((3847115.212 2725703.254, 3847183.552... 3.112942e+07 1.664953e+08 3.112942e+07
2 2.221946e+08 POLYGON ((3858184.654 2712426.121, 3858203.989... 9.134414e+07 2.221946e+08 9.134414e+07
3 1.173582e+08 POLYGON ((3852578.988 2702033.636, 3852593.049... 6.258320e+07 1.173582e+08 6.258320e+07
4 1.779603e+08 POLYGON ((3869614.528 2720818.892, 3869614.010... 9.741098e+07 1.779603e+08 9.741098e+07
... ... ... ... ... ...
391 3.622419e+08 POLYGON ((3841136.193 2744853.133, 3841138.716... 5.243011e+07 3.622419e+08 5.243011e+07
392 2.055584e+08 POLYGON ((3834367.144 2771789.747, 3834367.111... 5.632939e+07 2.055584e+08 5.632939e+07
393 4.548273e+08 POLYGON ((3855349.769 2754428.188, 3855351.526... 8.259447e+07 4.548273e+08 8.259447e+07
394 2.450394e+08 POLYGON ((3844334.555 2772238.701, 3844330.021... 7.100126e+07 2.450394e+08 7.100126e+07
395 3.232237e+08 POLYGON ((3931848.170 2806687.306, 3931850.218... 9.406939e+07 3.232237e+08 9.406939e+07

396 rows × 5 columns

Overlaying the Heat Demand Data with the Communities#

The heat demand data is overlain with the communities.

popdens_overlay = gpd.overlay(popdens_vector, boundaries)
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB area_2 geometry
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794...
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819...
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868...
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747...
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830...

Calculate Heat Demand for overlain Polygons#

The heat demand for overlain polygons is calculated.

popdens_overlay['area_new'] = popdens_overlay.area
popdens_overlay['HD'] = popdens_overlay['WOHNGEB_WB'] * popdens_overlay['area_new'] / popdens_overlay['area_1']
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB area_2 geometry area_new HD
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794... 26690.088783 4.993237e+06
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819... 410598.708870 7.681566e+07
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868... 743949.090501 1.391795e+08
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747... 84765.841111 1.585817e+07
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830... 14664.904148 2.743541e+06

Join Heat Demand Data with Communities#

The heat demand data will be joined with the communities.

leftjoin_gdf = gpd.sjoin(left_df=popdens_overlay,
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB_left area_2 geometry area_new HD index_right WOHNGEB_WB_right area
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794... 26690.088783 4.993237e+06 226 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819... 410598.708870 7.681566e+07 226 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868... 743949.090501 1.391795e+08 226 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747... 84765.841111 1.585817e+07 226 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830... 14664.904148 2.743541e+06 226 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08

Summing up Heat Demand Data per Community#

gdf_grouped = (leftjoin_gdf.groupby('index_right')['HD'].sum())

# Concatenating cut polygons with mask polygons
gdf_hd = pd.concat([gdf_grouped,
gdf_hd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gdf_hd['geometry'],
HD WOHNGEB_WB geometry area
0 1.276523e+10 1.006316e+08 POLYGON ((3839610.315 2725298.407, 3839616.590... 3.552026e+07
1 7.494367e+09 1.664953e+08 POLYGON ((3847115.212 2725703.254, 3847183.552... 3.112942e+07
2 2.041537e+10 2.221946e+08 POLYGON ((3858184.654 2712426.121, 3858203.989... 9.134414e+07
3 1.083488e+10 1.173582e+08 POLYGON ((3852578.988 2702033.636, 3852593.049... 6.258320e+07
4 1.617635e+10 1.779603e+08 POLYGON ((3869614.528 2720818.892, 3869614.010... 9.741098e+07
... ... ... ... ...
391 5.989690e+10 3.622419e+08 POLYGON ((3841136.193 2744853.133, 3841138.716... 5.243011e+07
392 1.520979e+10 2.055584e+08 POLYGON ((3834367.144 2771789.747, 3834367.111... 5.632939e+07
393 4.923842e+10 4.548273e+08 POLYGON ((3855349.769 2754428.188, 3855351.526... 8.259447e+07
394 2.875010e+10 2.450394e+08 POLYGON ((3844334.555 2772238.701, 3844330.021... 7.100126e+07
395 3.701822e+10 3.232237e+08 POLYGON ((3931848.170 2806687.306, 3931850.218... 9.406939e+07

396 rows × 4 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

gdf_hd.plot(column='HD', ax=ax, legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Performing second spatial join to get total HD value of community for each polygon#

leftjoin_gdf2 = gpd.sjoin(left_df=popdens_overlay,
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB_left area_2 geometry area_new HD_left index_right HD_right WOHNGEB_WB_right area
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794... 26690.088783 4.993237e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819... 410598.708870 7.681566e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868... 743949.090501 1.391795e+08 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747... 84765.841111 1.585817e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830... 14664.904148 2.743541e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08

Calculating Fraction of Heat Demand#

leftjoin_gdf2['HD_fraction'] = leftjoin_gdf2['HD_left']/leftjoin_gdf2['HD_right']
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB_left area_2 geometry area_new HD_left index_right HD_right WOHNGEB_WB_right area HD_fraction
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794... 26690.088783 4.993237e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000185
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819... 410598.708870 7.681566e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.002841
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868... 743949.090501 1.391795e+08 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.005148
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747... 84765.841111 1.585817e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000587
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830... 14664.904148 2.743541e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000101
leftjoin_gdf2['HD_final'] = leftjoin_gdf2['WOHNGEB_WB_right']*leftjoin_gdf2['HD_fraction']
class area_1 WOHNGEB_WB_left area_2 geometry area_new HD_left index_right HD_right WOHNGEB_WB_right area HD_fraction HD_final
0 21.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794... 26690.088783 4.993237e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000185 34552.618128
1 32.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819... 410598.708870 7.681566e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.002841 531555.383983
2 39.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868... 743949.090501 1.391795e+08 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.005148 963106.156749
3 22.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747... 84765.841111 1.585817e+07 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000587 109736.680235
4 3.0 1000000.0 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830... 14664.904148 2.743541e+06 226 2.703544e+10 1.870821e+08 1.283045e+08 0.000101 18984.981168
data = leftjoin_gdf2[['HD_final', 'geometry']]
HD_final geometry
0 34552.618128 POLYGON ((3910158.819 2856977.233, 3909841.794...
1 531555.383983 POLYGON ((3911124.868 2856977.510, 3910158.819...
2 963106.156749 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3911124.868...
3 109736.680235 POLYGON ((3912090.915 2856977.784, 3912090.747...
4 18984.981168 POLYGON ((3908227.102 2856010.637, 3907989.830...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

data.plot(ax=ax, column='HD_final', legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Inspect CRS#

We are inspecting the CRS and see that is does not match with the desired CRS EPSG:3034.

<Projected CRS: EPSG:3034>
Name: ETRS89-extended / LCC Europe
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Europe - European Union (EU) countries and candidates. Europe - onshore and offshore: Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kosovo; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway including Svalbard and Jan Mayen; Poland; Portugal including Madeira and Azores; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain including Canary Islands; Sweden; Switzerland; Türkiye (Turkey); United Kingdom (UK) including Channel Islands and Isle of Man; Vatican City State.
- bounds: (-35.58, 24.6, 44.83, 84.73)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Europe Conformal 2001
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Creating GeoDataFrame Outline from vectorized Raster#

For further processing, we are creating an outline GeoDataFrame from the total_bounds of the vectorized raster.

gdf = processing.create_outline(data)
0 POLYGON ((3963306.208 2626127.190, 3963306.208...

Loading Interreg Mask#

We are loading the previously created 10 km mask.

mask_10km = gpd.read_file('../../../test/data/Interreg_NWE_mask_10km_3034.shp')
FID geometry
0 0 POLYGON ((2651470.877 2955999.353, 2651470.877...
1 1 POLYGON ((2651470.877 2965999.353, 2651470.877...
2 2 POLYGON ((2651470.877 2975999.353, 2651470.877...
3 3 POLYGON ((2651470.877 2985999.353, 2651470.877...
4 4 POLYGON ((2651470.877 2995999.353, 2651470.877...
... ... ...
9225 9225 POLYGON ((4141470.877 2605999.353, 4141470.877...
9226 9226 POLYGON ((4141470.877 2615999.353, 4141470.877...
9227 9227 POLYGON ((4151470.877 2585999.353, 4151470.877...
9228 9228 POLYGON ((4151470.877 2595999.353, 4151470.877...
9229 9229 POLYGON ((4151470.877 2605999.353, 4151470.877...

9230 rows × 2 columns

<Projected CRS: EPSG:3034>
Name: ETRS89-extended / LCC Europe
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Europe - European Union (EU) countries and candidates. Europe - onshore and offshore: Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kosovo; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway including Svalbard and Jan Mayen; Poland; Portugal including Madeira and Azores; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain including Canary Islands; Sweden; Switzerland; Türkiye (Turkey); United Kingdom (UK) including Channel Islands and Isle of Man; Vatican City State.
- bounds: (-35.58, 24.6, 44.83, 84.73)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Europe Conformal 2001
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
mask_10km.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=1, color='green')
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')

Crop Mask to Data Limits#

The 10 km cells that intersect with the data outline are selected.

mask_10km_cropped = mask_10km.sjoin(gdf).reset_index()[['geometry']]
0 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2625999.353, 3711470.877...
1 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2635999.353, 3711470.877...
2 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2645999.353, 3711470.877...
3 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2655999.353, 3711470.877...
4 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2665999.353, 3711470.877...
... ...
629 POLYGON ((3961470.877 2725999.353, 3961470.877...
630 POLYGON ((3961470.877 2735999.353, 3961470.877...
631 POLYGON ((3961470.877 2745999.353, 3961470.877...
632 POLYGON ((3961470.877 2755999.353, 3961470.877...
633 POLYGON ((3961470.877 2775999.353, 3961470.877...

634 rows × 1 columns

Plotting the Cropped Mask#

The cropped mask and the data outline are plotted using matplotlib.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
mask_10km_cropped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=3, color='green')
gdf.to_crs('EPSG:3034').boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=3)
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')

Creating mask from cropped mask#

Here, the final mask with a width and height of 100 m is created.

mask_100m_cropped = processing.create_polygon_mask(gdf=mask_10km_cropped,
0 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2625999.353, 3714470.877...
1 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2628999.353, 3714470.877...
2 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2631999.353, 3714470.877...
3 POLYGON ((3711470.877 2634999.353, 3714470.877...
4 POLYGON ((3714470.877 2625999.353, 3717470.877...
... ...
13456 POLYGON ((3969470.877 2772999.353, 3972470.877...
13457 POLYGON ((3969470.877 2775999.353, 3972470.877...
13458 POLYGON ((3969470.877 2778999.353, 3972470.877...
13459 POLYGON ((3969470.877 2781999.353, 3972470.877...
13460 POLYGON ((3969470.877 2784999.353, 3972470.877...

13461 rows × 1 columns


Cropping Mask to outline#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
mask_10km_cropped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=3, color='green')
gdf.to_crs('EPSG:3034').boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=3)
mask_100m_cropped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.5, color='green')
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')

#plt.savefig('../images/Data_Type_1_Outline.png', dpi=300)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

mask_100m_cropped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.5, color='green')
data.plot(ax=ax, column='HD_final', legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink':0.51, 'label': 'Heat Demand [MWh]'})
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')

Calculate Heat Demand#

With the vectorized raster and the 100 m mask, we can now directly calculate the heat demand using calculate_hd.

hd_gdf = data
mask_gdf = mask_100m_cropped
gdf_hd = processing.calculate_hd(hd_gdf,
HD geometry
0 1.306975e+07 POLYGON ((3720470.877 2694999.353, 3723470.877...
1 1.966834e+06 POLYGON ((3717470.877 2703999.353, 3720470.877...
2 4.406444e+07 POLYGON ((3720470.877 2697999.353, 3723470.877...
3 6.742380e+07 POLYGON ((3720470.877 2700999.353, 3723470.877...
4 1.335781e+08 POLYGON ((3720470.877 2703999.353, 3723470.877...
... ... ...
3761 6.456146e+05 POLYGON ((3957470.877 2781999.353, 3960470.877...
3762 1.542641e+07 POLYGON ((3960470.877 2778999.353, 3963470.877...
3763 2.692901e+07 POLYGON ((3960470.877 2781999.353, 3963470.877...
3764 7.349168e+06 POLYGON ((3954470.877 2787999.353, 3957470.877...
3765 5.962814e+05 POLYGON ((3954470.877 2790999.353, 3957470.877...

3766 rows × 2 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

gdf_hd.plot(column='HD', ax=ax)

plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(53.972222222222214, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

Rasterizing Vector Data#

The vector data will be rasterized and saved to file.

                     crs = 'EPSG:3034',
                     xsize = 3000,
                     ysize = 3000)

Opening and plotting raster#

The final raster can now be opened and plotted.

raster = rasterio.open('../../../test/data/Data_Type_III_Polygons_Administrative_Areas.tif')
<Axes: >